Monday, December 17, 2007


Im a Kimins survivor. I joined KK in Dec. 06. Straight from the start I wondered if the calories would put me in starvation mode? My fears were daily, weekly, monthly put to sleep by a Crooked gal named Heidi Diaz. She prompted us to gain our dieting energy by viewing the before/afters…read their stories…read HER story and FitDay. Susan (I) wasnt very smart….I believed her. I lost a great amount of weight, fairly easily too. I was becoming my own before/after. I dreamed of the day MY photos would be posted with the others, what a good day that would be. But in early April….after feeling tiny bouts of dizziness a few times, even falling once and injuring my arm….I went down for the count. My husband and I were at the computer, planning out next vacation when suddenly that little dizziness was BIG dizziness. I made it to the bathroom just in time before forcefully vomiting. I called to my husband who had to guide me to the couch as I couldnt walk a straight line. It was Easter eve so when he insisted we go to the ER, I told him I was certain it would pass. I didnt want to miss Easter! I laid on that couch til the middle of the night, retching every time I moved my head even a little bit. By 6 a.m. my husband decided Susan wasnt so smart and carried me to the car. Within 15 minutes of my ER admission, I was rapidly being set up to check for a stroke or a brain tumor. I was so sick and I simply couldnt believe this was happening. At NO time did I suspect the KK diet. I still feel so stupid. MRI’s, Neurologists, CAT scans, IV medication to try to stop the spinning. 5 days of laying on my side with a wet towel over my eyes, they finally got the vertigo under control enough that I could walk slowly. They did find my electrolytes were all out of whack and my liver enzymes a little elevated, eventually saying they thought it might be inner ear. On day 4 I could hold down the diabetic diet they were feeding me. I think that is how I started to feel better, EATING normally…again I was not tying 2 and 2 together. I went home, a little dizzy but able to manage. I wrote on several of the Kimkims forums, Egg White challenge, Shake experiment, over 40s mature chat, that I had been sick but was better now. At last I saw before I was banned, they were still there. From that day on, I simply couldnt get my body to re-start Kimkins. By entire body resisted. I felt like a failure. EACH day I re-started…lose a few pounds only to fall off again. I was humiliated. Finally in mid summer I quit the diet all together and that is the last time I felt a dizzy spell….I was starting to put it all together, Susan was getting smarter. I looked up the symptoms of Anorexia nervosa, or starvation mode. Oh my God. When this whole Kimkin scam hit the Internet…I went from shocked, to mad, to sad and back again. All i can say is I hope to God that crooked, lying, selfish Heidi woman is caught and this idiotic fake diet plan is shut down.

from “Smarter Susan

1 comment:

OhYeahBabe said...

I'm really sorry you were a victim of Kimmer's fraud and the unsafe Kimkins diet, and that your health was damaged. I hope you are doing better now.

I hope you will consider joining the Kimkins lawsuit! Here is how to join the Kimkins lawsuit. Stop the fraud!