Friday, October 12, 2007


I started my weight loss with the help of my brother who went on Atkins with me. In August he reached his goal and is -145 lbs lighter. So I started looking for a new support group. I was also on a 3 month plateau and was about to hang my scale in effigy. In the midst of this I read the WW article and put it aside figuring I was doing fine on Atkins…then picked it up again months later and signed on. The low fat approach appealed to me since I had been keeping on the lower fat side of Atkins on my way through. (by this I mean low salt, low fat cold cuts and processed meats were what we used when not cooking fresh food). Counting my calories a little more didn’t seem like such a bad idea. HOWEVER, I was thinking 1200 calories, not 500-600.

Honestly, now that I look back, I will say that I probably was on the plateau because I let too many carbs back into my diet. Too many nuts, too many low carb pitas etc, and could have just gone back on induction and gotten the same results as Kimkins.

I stopped Kimkins when I realized that I was starting to have a really unhealthy relationship with food. I know I didn’t gain this weight overnight and until Kimkins had a pretty healthy idea that I was on a 3 year timeplan to lose 170 lbs. Of course I had hoped for closer to 2 years but hey, life happens. Once on it, I was convinced I could be down to 120 by March, and I made sure I followed the plan to get there.

Then one day, while doing a 14 mile hike in a local park, I grabbed 10 wild blueberries from a bush and scarfed them down, something I’ve always enjoyed about the early August Hiking. I felt like I had committed a major crime. 10 blueberries, full of anti-oxidents, and I was feeling an abnormal level of guilt, this is NOT healthy.

from “Why the Fascination with Kimmer? #4″

1 comment:

OhYeahBabe said...

Pesky, I'm really sorry you were a victim of Kimmer's fraud and the unsafe Kimkins diet, and that her health was damaged. I hope you will consider joining the Kimkins lawsuit! Here is how to join the Kimkins lawsuit.