Friday, October 12, 2007


I have posted a comment or two under a different name because I wasn’t ready to “go public” with my identity. But, now I’m ready. I have been a very vocal supporter and defender of the kimkins plan. With Becky, Christin, and Deni leaving it is impossible for me to continue along feeling that everything is ok. Here is a copy of my latest (probably last) post at kimkins…

Here is my post

I have been watching all of the controversy unfold for a while now. At first I was very vocal in my defense of Kimkins. I completely believed that the posters on ther fascination thread at LCF were just jealous and spiteful and had some sort of axe to grind with Kimmer. To some extent, I still believe that about many of them, although I now believe that some of them really are concerned over what they believe to be an unsafe plan. So, I have continued to watch and read and see how all of this has unfolded. I listened to the interview with Jimmy Moore and Kimmer’s answers were, in my opinion, rational and reasonable. I heard her say that she would turn teens away from the site in that interview and I was relieved that she was reasonable about it. So, when a 14 year old girl posted that she was eating 500 calories a day and was needing to increase her calories, I was SHOCKED to see kimmer advise her that she didn’t need to increase her calories. What happened to turning teens away from the site? This plan might be ok for those of us who are adults but for a child who is still growing there is no way that this diet is appropriate.

Then Becky resigned from the site. Now, no matter what I think about the motivation of the anti-KK gang out there, I know Becky’s intentions were good. I also KNOW that we were LIED to about the circumstances of Becky’s departure.

Now, Christin and Deni are leaving. I have watched both of these young women stand under the pressure of the anti-KK gang and not crumble. And, they have stood with very little, if any, support from this forum. Those women did not suddenly crumble from the pressure of the attacks on their character. If they were going to crumble they would have done it before now.
Having said all of that, I will say that I have nothing personal against Kimmer or the kimkins plan when it is done in a rational intelligent manner. But, when I see women posting that they are eating 300-500 calories a day and wondering why they are sick, having electrolyte imbalances, and their hair is falling out and they are not told to EAT…for goodness sakes! Then something is wrong. When a child is encouraged to eat 500 calories a day….something is wrong. When Becky left the site and we were lied to about her departure….something is wrong. And when it is infered that Christin and Deni crumbled under pressure…..something is wrong!
I don’t claim to have the answers for all of this and I will probably be banned for saying everything I’ve said in this post…..but I can no longer just go along trying to believe that everything is ok and that there are just a bunch of crazy people who are jealous and disgruntled attacking this plan.

There are some very serious questions and accusations flying around that should be addressed and put to rest if there is no basis for them. But, that hasn’t happened….something is very wrong.

From the kkatastrophediet blog “Wake Up Call” comments section

1 comment:

OhYeahBabe said...

Vickie, I'm really sorry you were a victim of Kimmer's fraud and the unsafe Kimkins diet, and that her health was damaged. I hope you will consider joining the Kimkins lawsuit! Here is how to join the Kimkins lawsuit.