Friday, October 12, 2007


I don’t know if this is where to post but does anyone have a strange fear of eating? Even though more fat is part of the plan (or cheese or nuts, etc.) do you feel like if you indulge you are being “bad?” I can’t get over it and I am worried that what I have is an eating disorder. So many bad ways of thinking have emerged from my short time in KK land. I just can’t imagine a diet that says it doesn’t matter if you drink water. That should have been the big flashing red light.

from “Kimkins Survivors”

1 comment:

OhYeahBabe said...

QbcPatty, I'm really sorry you were a victim of Kimmer's fraud and the unsafe Kimkins diet, and that her health was damaged. I hope you will consider joining the Kimkins lawsuit! Here is how to join the Kimkins lawsuit.