Friday, October 12, 2007


I too was sucked into the KK plan. Was only on it 6 weeks -and did lose a lot of weight , but during that time I knew it was not right . Luckily I did not have any major health issues other having NO energy . I have been adding fats back to my diet and feel so much better. I was not a big poster on the KK site and I have been lurking over there to see if there is any kind of response to all the controversy. Not much. I did see one post where someone brought up the JM blog. The responses were entirely focused on the whole - who is Kimmer issue. They basically do not care - if she is a fraud or not -as long as they are losing. Nothing about the health risks assocaited with the diet. That more than anything is what is so sad about the situation.

From “Why the Fascination with Kimmer”

1 comment:

OhYeahBabe said...

Popo, I'm really sorry you were a victim of Kimmer's fraud and the unsafe Kimkins diet, and that her health was damaged. I hope you will consider joining the Kimkins lawsuit! Here is how to join the Kimkins lawsuit.