Wednesday, October 24, 2007


Hi Deni, I found your blog on Christin’s site. Reading some of the things you went through on kimkins, reminds me of a little over a year ago what I went through…some days my calorie intake was lower then 500 calories. My hair thinned out too…but I am older and thought that was due to age, dizzyness or light headed sometimes too. I lost fast, lost alot, and gained it back just as fast too. I am now again on the journey of losing weight…but this time more healthy. Deni, you and the others have done so much for so many, God Bless You and I know with Him all things are Possible!!!

from “The Open Bench” comments

1 comment:

OhYeahBabe said...

I'm really sorry you were a victim of Kimmer's fraud and the unsafe Kimkins diet, and that your health was damaged. I hope you are doing better now.

I hope you will consider joining the Kimkins lawsuit! Here is how to join the Kimkins lawsuit. Stop the fraud!